Rondeau Park (Edmonton, AB)

Age range 5 - 12
Baby Swing
Standard Swing
Expression Swing
Saucer Swing
Musical features
Sensory features
Zipline spinner
Net Structure
Exercise Equipment
Rondeau Park in St. Albert is an exciting new addition to the Midtown development, offering a thoughtfully designed playground packed with play value in a compact space. One of the standout features is the giant rope glider swing, perfect for both individual and group play, providing endless fun for children of all ages. The charming wooden playhouse, with its adorable design, includes a climbing wall on the east side equipped with real rock holds, adding a touch of adventure to the space.
The playground also boasts a log jam-style balance beam area, with two different options: a lower pile of wide logs for easier balancing, and a taller pile of narrow logs with hold ropes for support, as well as a rope net for additional climbing challenges. A paved path weaves through the playground, which is set on a wood chip surface, ensuring a safe play environment. Nearby benches and picnic tables provide comfortable seating for parents and caregivers, making Rondeau Park a welcoming and fun destination for families in the community.
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