Harry Turnbull Park (Sarnia, ON)

Age range 2-12
Baby Swing
Standard Swing
Expression Swing
Saucer Swing
Musical features
Sensory features
Zipline spinner
Net Structure
Exercise Equipment
Harry Turnbull Park in Sarnia, ON, offers a versatile and engaging play area for children aged 2-12, combining traditional playground elements with a modern challenge course fitness area. This project includes GameTime playground equipment, designed to encourage active play and fitness for children of all abilities. The playground features engineered wood fiber surfacing for safety, sensory elements that stimulate creativity and interaction, baby swings for younger children, and standard swings for older kids. The challenge course fitness area promotes physical activity, providing opportunities for older children to test their strength, coordination, and agility. This combination of play and fitness creates a dynamic environment for families to enjoy active, outdoor fun together.