18 months and up
Baby Swing
Standard Swing
Expression Swing
Saucer Swing
Musical features
Sensory features
Zipline spinner
Net Structure
Exercise Equipment
The redesigned space keeps inclusive play and fun in mind for all ages and families. It is important to design an inclusive playground with space for caregivers to accompany comfortably but ideally, the goal is to have children playing independently. Park N Play representative Shelley Robinson designed the playground using GameTime equipment to involve the whole family, a crucial element in recovering and getting back to health.
Amy Millar, a pediatric physiotherapist at the hospital says she’s excited about the new spaces and family-friendly environment. “During our patients’ stay at the Glenrose, they have to engage in functional tasks that will help them return to their daily routines and community life. So being engaged in an enjoyable activity makes it easier to do it longer and numerous times.”
Our redesign accommodates a variety of functional levels promoting gross motor rehabilitation opportunities for children and adults including strengthening, balance, coordination and motor planning activities.
The playground features a sand and water table, play huts and forts through a tree trunk/house, a saucer swing- spinning equipment, play huts and forts through a tree trunk/house, a saucer swing, spinning equipment, slides, parallel bars, bridges, basketball hoops, and sound panels, and rubber surfacing
There’s also a nature discovery table designed for people with physical or sensory disabilities that impact their mobility, hearing, vision or manipulation skills.
Park N Play Design specializes in the design and development of inclusive and accessible playgrounds for people of all ages. Our philosophy is to move beyond minimum accessibility guidelines. We believe that "Play Has No Limits" and have reinvented inclusive play by focusing on the developmental benefits of play. To learn more about our inclusive design process calls to request our "Play Has No Limits" catalog and design guide.
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