Equipment Highlight: Expression Swings

Equipment Highlight: Expression Swings

The GameTime Expression Swings are one of our favourite ways to play at the park - and one of our increasingly more popular pieces of equipment - because they encourage parents and kids to have fun at the playground, together.

Good Morning America even shared the fun of these "absolute genius swings, showing up in parks across North America".

Multi-generational and three-dimensional play, like these swings, fosters connection between adult and child, person and play, nature and fun; this goes beyond 'just having fun' (which these are!).

As play expert Dr. Stuart Brown explains "Three dimensional movement fosters things which are really important such as emotional competency and future learning."

Brown also sees the importance of play not just for childhood development, for adults as well, stating:

"We never, even as adults, lose the joy of movement." Dr. Stuart Brown

Looking to add an Expression Swing to your playground? Contact us and let's get started!

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